Hello from the 10th International Conference on Social Media & Society!

On this page, you can download a poster I’m presenting at this year’s conference:

Bridging the Open Web and APIs: Alternative Social Media Alongside the Corporate Web.

Abstract: What compromises and challenges occur when alternative social media rely on corporate platforms with which they have philosophical and material differences? Using GitHub data, I study the development of a tool that bridges alternative social media with Facebook. Recurring challenges and developer responses illuminate power relationships between platforms and third-party developers. This has implications for builders of alternative social media tools and researchers who rely on platform APIs.



If you’re at the conference, come say hello! I’ll be presenting at the poster session on Saturday July 20, from 5:00-6:30 pm.Β  I’m keen to chat about alternative social media, values and design, methodologies for studying web/software development, and generally how we can work toward a more ethical and egalitarian Web.



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