Liked IndieWeb Summit hack day by Malcolm BlaneyMalcolm Blaney (
IndieWeb Summit demos were yesterday and I wanted to write up my thoughts while they're still fresh in my mind. Gregor and I decided to have a go at implementing AutoAuth, after the session on private webmentions and different types of auth on the Saturday. That discussion brought up that AutoAuth ...
Liked IndieWeb Summit day 2: Authl finally gets some love by fluffyfluffy (
One of the biggest bits of functionality I want to get in the next milestone for Publ is private posts. Doing private posts requires some way of determining the identity of the person who is reading the site. There are a lot of mechanisms to choose from. Most of them are largely incompatible with one another, and there isn't any single mechanism that checks all my boxes. And of course the standards keep on shifting, and keep on getting a new unifying standard that will fix everything.